”Mother of the Year” Project

Mama Anului

”Mother of the Year” Project

St. John Chrysostom said: “Give me a generation of good Christian mothers and I will change the face of the world!”  Throughout the history of Christianity, there have been many mothers who have raised their children with love, devotion, wisdom, and hope in God, putting Christian education first.  Initiated in 2017, the “Mother of the Year” project wishes to acknowledge ladies who are examples of exceptional Christian mothers, by awarding them the “Mother of the Year” title accompanied by a 1-year subscription to the magazine “Familia Ortodoxã” or an orthodox book.  Candidates from the parishes of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas can be nominated between January and March, and the announcement of the beneficiaries takes place on March 25, when the Orthodox Church celebrates the Christian mother.

Based on the submitted applications, one lady from each US/Canada deanery will be selected to receive this title.

Please submit your nomination here:


Orthodox Church has celebrated the Christian Mother’s Day on March 25th, 2019, on the Feast of the Annunciation.  Read more…

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